Hi hug-starved human, I’m writing these tips to help you stay sane during the coronavirus pandemic. Last evening, immediately after listening to the 21 day nationwide lockdown announcement at 8pm, I must admit I was panicked. But, I had signed up to Salty Studio’s Edible Words, an online discussion on wellbeing in these times of Covid 19 and the novel coronavirus pandemic, and our discussion really helped calm my nerves. Thought I’d share some of my favorite takeaways from the discussion with Rose Miller and Erin Wright with you too:

1. Routine:

Find your balance again. Wake up, get clean, get dressed. Introduce repetition and regularity into your day again, whether it’s work, exercise, cooking and eating or connecting with friends/family. You’ll find yourself more structured and less all over the place. Maybe the new routine could include staring out of the window every morning for ten minutes, something we haven’t had the chance to do in the recent past.

2.Break the routine.

Schedule special activities, make time for surprise moments. You’d be making reservations at your favorite restaurant for this week’s date night or be booking tickets to that film or concert. Maybe grab that special bottle of lotion you’ve tucked away in your closet since your birthday and settle to give yourself a luscious foot massage. Go on, treat yourself.

3.Go offline.

The busy-ness of social media, the unending news and pings on WhatsApp groups can all get very overwhelming. Take time off. Seriously. Put that phone away for an hour, or little or more, but tune out of it and be in your present moment.


With that friend who’s far away or that estranged cousin that you’ve been meaning to reach out to. Maybe start a weekly email chain catching up with an old group of friends and update each other ever-so-often. A recent message from my friend from uni in Milan made me so fuzzy inside. Ask a friend to help you develop that skill / activity you’ve been wanting to do.


At yourself, at the situation, or during a laughter yoga session (yes, it’s a thing). It’s scientifically proven – laughter is vital for positivity and releases good mood hormones – we could all do with more of that, especially right now.


I know you probably think this one’s cliché. But make the most out of this: You could lay your duvet onto a clean floor, light that scented candle and sit/lay there for as long as you want. WHEN was the last time you could do that on a Wednesday? Listen to your favorite album from start to finish, or meditate to Jamie Catto’s album ‘Internal’ on Spotify.


“Absence makes the heart grow fonder”, so (I hope). So we’ll be back in business and demand will soar again soon! But all you small business owners, don’t shut shop in panic-mode. Take this time to review, analyze and pivot if necessary. If you’re feeling creative block, join &Boom Unlimited’s Daily Creativi(TEA) sessions.

8.Mindful eating.

Pistachios teach us patience, honey represents kindness and lemons can brighten up a dull mood (or bring your avo toast to life). Take time to make that risotto, stir patiently. If you believe something is a chore, it will feel like it. Think of it as a special activity instead!

If you’re living with people around you right now, eat your meals together. Split the responsibilities of prepping the meals so no one person is overwhelmed. If you’re by yourself, batch-cooking helps.

I know it would have been easier to cope if we had an expiration date to this. So instead, take it one moment at a time, one day at a time and before you know it, we’ll be hugging again!

PS – If we lose access to the internet, just remember this: We’re natural creatures who have done without it. The internet has only taken over our lives and minds a few years ago.

Love & Lollipops,

Jashan Sippy